Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cancer 2011 Horoscope Forecast


The first half of 2011 will probably be more challenging than the second half because the effects of the Cardinal Climax are still very much in play in your life. Everything in your life that is not working for you will be shaken up and you will get the chance to start anew.

Career and Money

You like stability in your career and your finances, but 2011 is not going to give you that luxury. You will not be lacking in opportunities, but you may find that the opportunities are not what you had hoped they would be. You need to learn how to get reality in line with your expectations. Overestimating your situation may plague you in the first half of the year. You want to be confident and optimistic, but try not to exaggerate anything.

This is a time where you may find it necessary to start over in your career direction. Your lifestyle may change which could be very positive. Your challenge is to find work that matches your talents and interests. Keep in mind that you are in the process of starting a new stage in your life and it may take a couple of years to sort it out. You may make a career decision that you have a few doubts about, but it may turn out to be a very good career choice. If at first you don’t like it, then try something else. You may have to do this a few times, but eventually you will get where you want to be. Try not to allow yourself to get too frustrated. Keep on persevering. Enjoy the journey rather than the destination.

With Saturn in your 4th house all year, this is going to mean you are feeling insecure about money and finance. Many of you may be feeling the pinch especially if you have had to move or downsize. You may have to take on more responsibilities with your family. Someone may need more of your help, your time, your energy or your money. It could be your children, your spouse, your partner or your extended family.

Some of you may find you lose your job, or you suddenly find a different job or that you move into a completely different field. Be ready to retrain in a different area. Be prepared for work to be erratic. Things will come and go. It will not be predictable. There could be some good opportunities but you will have to be quick off the mark. Don’t procrastinate too much.

Money will be erratic this year, at least for the first half of the year. There may be times when it comes in large amounts, but then there will be times when there may be very little. Make sure you are frugal and careful with your money when you have it. Don’t assume that money will be there for all your wants. As long as your needs are taken care of, that should be your priority. After the middle of June, your income may be more stable, and you will be able to make some bigger purchases if you want. Your friends and relatives may be helpful to you.

If you are in a relationship you may find that your mate has issues with money. You may find that you have to look after them financially. This would not be a good time to get into a business partnership. Take care that any assets you have are protected properly. If you are in a joint venture, make sure you have all your contracts and agreements clearly delineated and organised.

It could be a time for a move or a relocation of your job. This will be a jolt to your personal security but also holds the seeds of new beginnings and opportunities. Don’t be averse to moving out of state or to another country if the job or business opportunities look greater than where you are.


This is an area which will undergo huge changes this year. You want other people to be in tune with your needs, but you need to ensure you are in tune with their needs as well. For some of you it will mean some endings in your relationships. For others it will mean a total reevaluation of how you are in a relationship. Are you being too giving in a relationship? Is there a relationship in your life that really needs to end now? Are you around manipulative, controlling people? Does the form of a relationship need to change? Maybe you are in a friendship that could develop into an intimate relationship? Maybe you are in a relationship that should become a friendship? Something drastically will change in the way you view your relationships.

Some of you may find that you are alone. You may need that space in order to reevaluate your relationships. You may find that people come in and out of your life. You may have a heart wrenching relationship that goes to the soul level. You may need help with it as it may become an obsessive relationship where you cannot get this person out of your head. On the other hand it could be such a deep relationship in which you feel as though you are dying and being reborn.

If you have learned how to stick up for yourself and to be really strong in your relationships then you will feel greatly empowered and you will draw a completely different kind of person into your life. Someone who will be more nourishing and who will encourage you to be the best you can be.

If you are unattached, you may meet many interesting and attractive people this year. You will have charisma and magnetism, but the people you draw to you may only stay in your life for a short while. Make sure you don’t open your heart up too quickly, try to go slowly and see if this person can fulfill your emotional needs before you open up.

If you are already in a committed partnership and want to stay in the relationship, make sure you pay attention to your partner’s emotional needs and balance it with your own needs. Communication will be key – ensure that you talk as much as possible.

Your friends, pets and children will be a source of great comfort to you. They will be the ones to listen to you and give you sound advice about your love life.

From July to September when Venus and Mars are in your sign will be a great time for you to meet someone new for either a romance or a friendship. If you are looking for a relationship make sure you get out and about socially during these months.

With so much instability in your life you will need to learn how to deal with stress. You need to make time to relax and to have peaceful moments alone. Try to create a regular exercise routine – even if it’s only a regular walk every day, it will help with your stress levels. When you become over-emotional you put stress on your heart and on your digestive system. Avoid excesses in food and drink and take time out to meditate. There is no reason why you should have any physical issues this year. Keep in mind that it is your mental and emotional state which will dictate your level of health this year.

Gemini 2011 Horoscope Forecast

Gemini 2011

This year is going to be a mixed bag with a big focus on your work, your life purpose and how to bring more meaning into your life. Many of you will be completing up projects that you have started several years ago.

Career and Money
For those of you who work for yourselves already, or who have been thinking of working for yourselves this is a good year to put new structures in so that you can make the dreams you have for your own business a practical reality. This would not be a good year for speculation, to be trading on the stock markets and going in and out of deals. It is good year, however, for establishing your own business. If you own a business you are likely to experience growth this year. Friends may bring you business through referrals. This will lead to new clients or opportunities for increased sales. If you are a writer, this will be a particularly good year.

You will be learning many lessons about finances. You may decide that you want a simpler life and you don’t want to be driven to achieve more and more. You may decide to be grateful for what you have and from that gratitude, more resources will be made available to you. Be careful about any financial partnerships that you are involved with – this would not be a time to allow your partner to go into debt. In fact, it is not a good time for anything connected with debt. You may find yourself struggling with finances and you may need to choose between your needs and your wants. Maybe you need to sell something, maybe you need to move on.

New ideas and new offers will be coming your way. You will have to watch out that you don’t scatter your energies and then miss out on the really good opportunities. Your basic nature wants to jump on all the new offers, but you may need to finish up other projects before you are able to start on the new ones. You can do both as you are good at multi-tasking, but you will have to be very disciplined.

The first three months of the year might be quite chaotic. You may experience sudden events that take you off course. Or you may be feeling so restless that you cannot think straight. At this time you may be prone to having poor judgment in business, so take your time before getting into something. It’s much easier to get into something and say yes than it is to get out of something later on.

The big focus this year will be on your career and there will be ups and downs. For some of you it may mean temporary work, contract work, not being able to find a permanent position - even though you are looking for it. However there will be opportunities coming in. Make sure that you are not too busy to hear the opportunities as they come in – when someone is knocking at your door. These new opportunities will come from the most unlikely places and you might miss them. The window of opportunity is likely to be brief, so you will need to be on the ball and be quick. Try to be flexible and allow yourself to go with the flow.

You might meet someone in your work area – someone who may be very helpful to you, who may be a mentor to you, who may push you into your potential. Be ready for that too.

If you are in a committed relationship, it may go more smoothly, or at least without so much of the drama that you’ve experienced in the last few years. If you are not in a committed relationship, you may receive a serious proposal of marriage this year and the prospect of you settling down and having a family. You may end up with someone much older than you or with someone who has a great deal of experience. Be careful that you don’t end up with someone who is very controlling or dominating.

If you have children they may become more of a responsibility to you this year. However, you may also feel very proud of them. They may be completing important stages of their life – e.g. marriage, children, graduation etc., and you can be a big part of that.

From March 2011 you may find that your friends change. You need more excitement in your friendships and maybe some of them have got a bit stale and boring. You need to make an effort to bring new friends into your life. It might be time to join a new organisation or a new club, and to do something that you haven’t done before. It’s about expanding your horizons and meeting new people in different areas that you would never have met before. You will love the opportunity to meet all these new people. This will be the year to do it.

After June, maybe someone who has been in your life for many years and who has been supporting you will go out of your life. It will be a signal showing you that it’s time to let go and you can stand on your own two feet.

June and July are the peak months for relationships when Venus and Mars are in Gemini. This will be a great time for love, a new relationship, meeting someone new with whom you have a chemistry. It will be an especially good time for making new friends, networking and meeting up with existing friends for a coffee and a chat.

You will need to learn how to switch off and wind down as your nervous energy will be high. Remember to have a soothing hot drink, a massage, to meditate and to take time out. There will be so much going on this year that your nervous system could be affected, so try to catch things before they escalate into something more serious. A good diet – not a crazy one – and an exercise programme will result in plenty of energy for you to complete the large projects you will undertake this year.

Taurus 2011 Horoscope Forecast

Taurus 2011 Forecast

From June 4th 2011 until June 11th 2012, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune comes into your sign. This happens once every 12 years, so this is your year for some good fortune. The year may begin on a subdued note, but it will pick up pace as it goes along. Enjoy it!

Career and Money

This is a great year for expansion. If you have your own business, your sales should increase. If you work for others, there will be opportunities for advancement. This is a great year for negotiations where you will be able to pick up things inexpensively and sell them on for a great deal more money. It is a wonderful year to be self employed and to develop your entrepreneurial skills. If you don’t have a job and want one, now is the time to go out and apply for one. Try to spread you net wide and don’t just look in one area or in one particular location. The wider your net, the more chance you will have for success.

It may be a favourable year to enter into an agreement with another person. Make sure you know them and you can trust them and do ensure that you have any contracts or agreements checked over by lawyers before you make a commitment.

However, balanced against all this expansion is the fact that Saturn is in your house of work. You may find that your work ends suddenly and that you need to train in something else in order to find a new position. You may have challenges with your co workers and you may feel restricted in what you can and cannot do. If you employ people, you may need to make cutbacks. Saturn is about being realistic if the money isn’t there to cover salaries. You may undertake heavy responsibilities at work, you will be working very hard – maybe even harder for less money.

You are gradually changing your world view, the beliefs that you held, the things that were important to you – it could be your religious beliefs, your spiritual beliefs, it could be your understanding of the meaning of life. You will want to go deeper into an understanding of different cultures, different peoples, different places – the world, and even beyond the world as we know it – maybe into other planets, space travel, mind travel. You will be looking at these areas in a deeper way than you ever have before. You will be getting out of the mundane things – what is money about? What does it mean to me? Can I help others with these resources? How can I make better use of resources? This deep questioning will eventually result in more of a clear direction in your career because many of you have been feeling confused with your life direction.

If you are already in the film, media, acting industry – it will not be as confusing because many of the occupations in that field are about putting a mask on to the world and not necessarily being who you are. You will have a constant search for meaning and purpose. It will be important that you look at the people who you are working with are honest, whether they are deceptive, whether they are honest, whether you are deceiving people? Whether you are getting your needs met in the workplace. You may find yourself in and out of work – that you go from one type of work to another type of work. Nothing stays the same or stable. Jobs and work will have a transient feel – they come and go and if you can go with the flow (not easy for Taurus, I know!) – and have faith that something better is coming along, this transit will be easier for you to handle.

The 2nd half of the year should be much better than the 1st half as Jupiter the planet of good fortune moves into your sign after June. This would be the time to follow up on any glimmer of opportunity that comes into your life. It could hold a pot of gold behind it.

There will be a quest for you to find out what will satisfy you on all levels. This year you may need to let go of some friendships – where you have been doing a lot of the giving, maybe even rescuing and it’s time for you to see these friendships for what they are and that they have been draining your energy. You may need to let them go. There may be people who have been your friends for a long time but they are not going anywhere, you are not stimulated or excited by them. Maybe it’s time to let these relationships dissolve so that new people can come into your life.

New friends will be coming into your life and they will be exciting and interesting. Taurus doesn’t like to take big risks – but you may find yourself put into a situation that is beyond your comfort zone in a group or with your friends, and feel as though they are pushing you out – you will probably dig your heels in until you feel safe enough to make the move. Or it could mean the end of these friendships because they become too uncomfortable for you.

After June will be a time of excitement, a time of growth – and definitely a time when you should take more risks. It could also bring a special teacher or mentor into your life who will help you to move forward into new experiences. It will be a good time to meet new people, where you will feel accepted, where other people will want to take on the things that you are excited about. There will be a great deal of learning experiences. It’s not necessarily easy, because learning especially if you resist it can be painful, but when you have learned the lessons, you will feel empowered and stronger and more successful in your life. This still should be a great time for you. Lady luck is shining her light on you for the last 6 months of the year – so make the most of it!!

Between May and June Mars and Venus are in your sign. You will feel a boost of energy at this time – you might meet someone you really love. You may meet someone with whom you are on the same wavelength. It’s certainly going to be a good time for romance. You may have a tendency to overestimate someone’s good qualities or even be taken advantage by someone. Be careful of falling in love with someone who is already in a committed relationship.

Don’t scatter your energies or you will deplete yourself. Your energy levels should be coming back this year. After many years of feeling exhausted, life will start to pick up. However, it is vital that you put into place a good diet, regular exercise and time for rest and relaxation. With Saturn in this house of health, you will need to put good structures into looking after your health so that your body will take care of you in the years to come.

Aries 2011 Horoscope Forecast

This is going to be a HOT year for you! Uranus goes into your sign in March of this year and this only happens once in every 84 years. It is going to be there for seven years which indicates a whole new cycle beginning for you with a great deal of changes ahead.

Career and Money
Your work will be erratic, your finances will be erratic, how you feel about yourself will be changeable, but nonetheless you will experience a feeling of greater self confidence this year. There will be many highs and lows regarding your work and your finances. On the positive side, there are opportunities to change and grow in new directions. Whether it works out or not depends on whether you can identify which opportunities have potential and which ones are hyped-up and exaggerated. You need to determine the future possibilities and if something has promise, you have to be committed to making it grow. If you don’t work hard and remain focused, you may blow what could have turned into a good long-term opportunity for you.

You have to watch out that you don’t become too overbearing, especially when Mars is in your sign from beginning April to mid May. You will have a real boost of energy at that time, but watch out that you don’t get into arguments with people as you are going to “know” you are in the right.

This is a time when you will be thinking of freedom, of breaking out of boundaries and restrictions in your life. Others may criticise your behaviour saying that you are being pointlessly rebellious, but you will feel the need to free yourself from anyone or any situation where you feel restricted. You will have the urge to break out once and for all. This could lead to conflicts in the workplace, so choose your battles carefully.

It’s a wonderful time to be innovative. You will have an abundance of new ideas that are beyond anything you could ever have imagined. Try to think outside the box. Uranus rules Aquarius, so there will be this Aquarian feel to you where you are a bit quirky – you are a bit odd – you are changing – there’s so much about you that others won’t recognise any more. Don’t be afraid of it. This Uranian energy is shaking up your world. It will get rid of all the things in your life that have held you back for so long. And it will probably feel uncomfortable, but Jupiter is in your sign as well from January 24th until June 4th and it will be a time to open up to new beginnings and a possible new start in your career

You need to take the power back in your career, in what you want to do with your life. If you are feeling controlled or manipulated in your workplace, you will feel the need to break out of this. For many of you this will be time of exploration, of finding out what it really is you want to do with your life, how you want to make your mark in the world. Finding work where you don’t feel quashed and held down but where you feel in control of what it is you are doing.

You may lose your job and you will have to reinvent yourself in new, creative ways. Don’t be frightened about these powerful transits because they are going to push you out into so many new areas that it can be the most exciting thing that has ever happened to you.

You will probably feel unsettled, restless and impatient. You will be wondering why things aren’t moving ahead much faster for you, but it may have little to do with you and more to do with the state of the economy. You may be highly qualified in what you do, but companies may just be cutting back. So you will find yourself having to reinvent yourself over and over again. Try to see it as an adventure rather than an ordeal.

This year can be very favourable for your finances, but there could be a challenge in terms of job satisfaction. Many of you will hop from job to job, from contract to contract and not find any continuity in what you are doing. Try to see this as a year of many opportunities and for those of you who are self employed this could be a time of real growth. It’s also a good time to start your own business, even on a very small scale, as it could grow in the years to come into something very successful. There will be some wonderful opportunities financially for you this year if you will go outside your comfort zone and explore new and ingenious ways of making money.

You may experience the parting of ways from people who have been an important part of your life for a long time. It may lead to moments of sadness and even the fear of abandonment, as if something has been torn away from deep inside of you. It is all part of this process of reinventing your life. It will happen in your personal and your professional life. Old ones depart and new ones come in. You are being reborn in all ways.

It may be a year of separations - the end of a relationship, a partnership, a marriage. Particularly if that partner doesn’t see you in this new light and doesn’t encourage you be the new you. If they allow you to grow and support you, then this can be a wonderful time and you can come together stronger than ever. But for many of you this will be disruptive and you may find that certain relationships will end during this period.

You will also need to choose your friends carefully and wisely. You may not be seeing the relationship you have with your friends clearly. You may be helping them out too much. They may have become dependent on you. It may be time to allow these friends to dissolve out of your life. This will give the opportunity for new friends to come in with whom you share more common interests and with whom you can connect deeply. Some of the friends around you are not for your highest good and they may be taking too much from you.

You will also be looking at the relationship you have with yourself and finding out more about your emotional needs. You have a tendency to rush into relationships and then regret them some time later. This year, people will come into your life who look very exciting and you are best advised to force yourself to go slowly and get to know the person better before you open yourself up emotionally or even financially to them.

All year you are under Saturn influences in your relationships. If you can be honest and real, then serious relationships that you treasure and value can grow even stronger. Don’t despair, the relationships that are meant to endure will, and those that are holding you back will go out of your life. You may need to be alone for a while. You may even be in a relationship and feel isolated because your partner doesn’t connect with you on a deep emotional level.

Overall, there will be plenty of opportunities to meet new people and to make new friends. Take the time to go to social events, seminars, workshops or any adventures where you can meet new people who may become important in your life. Your charisma is very high this year, so make the most of it!

This should be a good year for you in terms of energy. You will have to watch out that you don’t overdo things and try to burn the candle at both ends. Make sure you keep up with regular exercise or you might put on weight. You may experience stress in the workplace, so be sure that you get enough rest and time out to wind down. Sometimes you have difficulty sleeping when your nerves are all wound up. Try to introduce regular meditation or yoga or even just listen to soothing music so that your body can achieve deep relaxation.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wikileaks - does it affect you?

In November 2008 when Pluto was moving into Capricorn, I predicted that we would see greater transparency in our governments, banks, corporations and that information and secrets that had been withheld would be revealed. And just two years later, that prediction has come true. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and therefore is all about structures – it rules the authorities, our rulers, the financial institutions and big business and all authoritarian figures.

Now take a look at Wikileaks that comes along and threatens the security of many countries as they reveal information about businesses and governments around the world. And they have only just got started…

This weekend, Amazon Europe went down for over half and hour. Amazon said that it was a hardware issue, but was it really? After all, Amazon was among the first US firms to pull the plug on WikiLeaks since it began publishing thousands of US diplomatic cables, withdrawing hosting services last week after being questioned by the US Senate Homeland Security Committee.

Julian Assange has just been released on bail of £240,000 and he stated that he plans to continue with WikiLeaks and with releasing sensitive information. Many countries want to see him killed as they see him as such a threat. Right now there are over 3000 hackers from around the world who have joined his cause. Probably more are signing up all the time. They have pledged to ruin Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, Amazon and any company that has rejected hosting their services. They are gathering momentum and this is just the beginning. What’s interesting is that they are so concerned with transparency and yet they are called the Anonymous Group and they themselves hide behind screen names. They are not transparent themselves.

The latest news is that one of Assange’s top men has split with him and started his own organisation called OpenLeaks. This organisation is going to feed bits of information to the media in dribs and drabs and then let the media do what they want with it. This then gets them off the hook and takes them away from the direct line of fire.

So as you can see, Pluto in Capricorn has brought about the breakdown of authority and power, unearthed secret information and people’s lives and property are at stake. We don’t know the power of these groups, but one sure thing is that they are just starting up. There is certainly much more to come.

All this ties into the Cardinal Climax with Saturn in opposition to Uranus. Saturn represents the authorities and the status quo while Uranus is all about change, revolution, breaking out and not allowing anyone to tell you what to do. And in the middle of these two powerful planets, making a square to both of them is Pluto, which intensifies these energies and creates changes that affect our entire planet.

We’ve had the riots in Greece, Ireland and the latest in the UK. The spontaneous attack on the Prince Charles and Camilla shows the degree of rage of the people against the ruling classes. The banks have had billions of dollars of bailout funds, yet they continue to post huge profits and give their management enormous bonuses, while the people are left with austerity measures, losing their homes, their money, their jobs… it any wonder that they are resorting to rioting at the injustice of it all? We will see more revolts, more uprisings as the situation becomes more polarized over the next 5 years during the waning square of Uranus to Pluto.

Although you are seeing in play out in government, you will also see it play out in your personal life. What should you watch out for?

Be careful about what you share and with whom – whether it’s information, material goods, contact, anything. Be aware of what you post on social networking sites – that’s where transparency and security are really at risk. Don’t tell everyone that you are going away on such and such a day – chances are you will have a robbery when you get back.

If you do internet banking – check it out. Is it really safe? Not only your money, but how about your identity?

We are all vulnerable in one way or another.

Be careful of your privacy
Be aware of your security
Be observant
Don’t move too quickly as to what is being said to you
Guard what you say and to whom

All your private details should be kept secret. Anything that you have always felt very secure about will feel as if the rug is being pulled out from under you. Stay vigilant and don’t take anything for granted.

The Royal Wedding - William and Kate

William is a Cancer and Kate is born just six months earlier and is a Capricorn – so they are opposites. But these are opposites that are comfortable together – Earth and Water. The Earth gives the Water structure while the Water loosens up the earth and enables it to grow. One of the best astrological features of their charts is that they both have Moon in Cancer. This couldn’t be better. They will feel emotionally safe with one another, protected and comfortable. It’s the feeling of knowing what the other person wants and needs, knowing how their emotions operate, knowing when they need space and when they need company. The Moon is ruled by Cancer so it is in its natural place and they will have a feeling of “coming home.” It’s a great placement for having a family and children.

Mercury, the planet of communication is in Air signs which is also a good sign. William’s Mercury is in Gemini and Kate’s is in Aquarius. So they will be able to discuss things through logically and each will be able to have their say. Mercury is comfortable in an Air sign anyway, as it needs to communicate, to understand, to solve problems, to come up with new solutions. The placement of Mercury is extremely important when it comes to a relationship and even with the best placements of Venus and Mars, disharmonious Mercuries can cause the break-up of a marriage as couples just cannot seem to “get through” to one another. So for Kate and William, the communication part of their relationship looks good.

As far as Venus is concerned, William’s Venus is in Taurus while Kate’s is in Aquarius. This is quite different and means that they will have very different interests, but also a great sense of loyalty to one another. Venus in a fixed sign is constant and doesn’t tend to waver in their affections.

They both have Mars in Libra which can be very pleasant and agreeable but also argumentative at times. They will probably have their arguments just like any other couple, but will really enjoy making up again. The fact that they share so much Air energy indicates that they will be able to talk about issues that are bothering them, discuss them and find solutions that work for both of them. Mars in Libra above all wants everything to feel fair.

As we do not have an exact time of birth for Kate, the best way to understand the dynamics of their relationship is to look at the placement of her planets in William’s natal chart. Her Sun falls in his 1st house and this will mean that she makes him feel good. Being around her gives him more self-confidence, more vitality and more energy. Her Moon falls in his 7th house which is a wonderful placement for marriage and children. Her Jupiter in Scorpio falls in his 10th house which indicates that she will be a professional asset for him in his royal duties.

On the day of the wedding, 29th April 2011, there are 5 planets in Aries and they are placed at the top of the chart between the 9th and 10th houses. This indicates international relations, a great deal of travel, breaking new boundaries and bringing a new and fresh appeal for the future. Mercury is not retrograde which is good, and whilst some astrologers are getting concerned about the fact that the Moon will be void of course on that date, I see it as a minor detail in an overall lovely relationship that has the potential to blossom and to be long-lasting and happy. Let’s wish them well.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Full Moon in Gemini December 21st 2010

There is a Full Moon in Gemini on December 21st at 29 degrees. Gemini rules anything connected with education, intelligence, learning, studying, sharing, travelling, socialising, speaking, writing, connecting with people, networking.

This is a time to be social, it will be easier to meet new people, share ideas and enjoy having fun and playing together. It’s a great time to catch up with friends and family – not only in person, but by snail mail, email, text, Skype and also with your extended family on the Internet. Anything connected with writing and communication is highlighted, books, libraries, clubs, family gatherings and community or neighbourhood activities.

Be prepared for lots of mental stimulation and feeling as though your mind is all over the place. You may have many different ideas coming up at the same time and you might not be able to decide which direction to go in. You mind might be racing, you will be filled with ideas, inspiration, intellectual energy and you might speak too quickly. You may feel torn in two different directions – torn between two lovers or you might feel your work and your love life are pulling you into different directions. Gemini often represents duality and the issue of choice in our lives.

Your emotional state may be changeable: one minute up the next minute down. Try to stay flexible and in the moment. It’s a great time for sharing just about anything: jokes, songs, poetry, thoughts, ideas, problems, solutions.

It’s a good time to speak what’s on your mind, to attend concerts, parties, social gatherings. Organise your own party if necessary. Don’t sit home in isolation if you can help it and try to connect with others in person.

Because this Full Moon is at 29 degrees it is an urgent message asking you to be flexible to change. Something in your life may have matured and is no longer needed. It is time to transform it or to end it or to build something new.

The 29th degree can cause you to be indecisive, to waiver, to go back and forth and to evaluate ceaselessly, and sometimes if you get too frustrated you’re your your procrastinating, then you may make a rash decision that you may later regret. Take the time to think it through rationally.

For me, the Full Moon is in my 12th house – this is a time for deep thinking within, not necessarily too much socialising – but a time of healing from past pains of being misunderstood, or for not being real. Old patterns from the past come up for examination and it’s time to see both sides of what happened and to really shine a light on the emotions and feelings at play.

Here’s some practical ways you can take advantage of this Full Moon in Gemini:

Try to sit quietly and still your mind
Write down all the ideas, problems and possible solutions that are passing through your mind
Let your mind be free to come up with new ideas
If you have a problem – write your problem at the top of the page and then just freestyle all the ideas that you pop into your head
If you are feeling indecisive about something, write down the consequences of taking action or not taking action. See which option will have the more favourable outcome.
It’s a good time to come up with the ideas, but not the best time for actually making decisions. Wait until the Full Moon energies have passed before you make a final decision.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

New Moon in Sagittarius - How to Make the best of it!!

New Moon in Sagittarius at 13 degrees on December 6th 2010

The Moon in Sagittarius gives us an opportunity to renew our optimism, our enthusiasm and dreams for the future. Sagittarius is about having fun, enjoying yourself and feeling that life is an adventure to be enjoyed. Sagittarius is honest, outspoken and independent – think about how you can bring these qualities into your life.

Sagittarius has a tendency to go over the top, so as long as you don’t have totally unrealistic expectations, then this can be a time of exploration, going beyond your limits and finding new and exciting adventures and goals.

It’s a time for fun, play, bringing out your zest for life. Sagittarius is the most optimistic sign of the zodiac and if you can see the funny side of situations this month it will be to your advantage. Try to live in the moment and see yourself being in the right place at the right time.

It’s also a good time to widen your horizons by learning something new, maybe take a course that you are sure will stretch your abilities and take you outside your comfort zone, but something that excites you nonetheless.

It’s time to take a direct approach in your life – in your relationships this is a good time for straight, honest communication. With Venus going direct it’s a great time for love, for taking the initiative, for taking a risk and having a new romance. You might be attracted to a foreigner or someone from a different culture.

You need to ensure you are flexible. Opportunity may be knocking on your door but you may be too busy to even notice it.

It’s a wonderful time to start fresh, to erase your fears and your negativity, and to step into pure positivity with a sense of freedom and potential for your future. It’s a great time to be more open to change as the Sagittarius energy makes it easier for you to adapt and to ease yourself into a better place in your life.

Make sure that you do ONE thing that you enjoy during this New Moon, one thing that will put a smile on your face and on those around you. It’s a good time for storytelling, for sharing jokes and funny experiences. It’s a time to see the bigger picture, not to get lost in the details, but to laugh at yourself and not to take yourself too seriously. The keyword for this New Moon is: FUN!!